The story revolves around Shoya Ishida, a former delinquent who bullied Shoko Nishimiya, his deaf classmate, alongside his friends back when he was in elementary school. When Nishimiya transferred, all of his friends and teachers turned against him, making him isolated well into high school to the point that he decides that there is no point in having friends. Having no plans for the future, Ishida even contemplates on committing suicide until he suddenly reunites with Nishimiya, who is still lonely due to her shyness. Realizing that both are suffering due to his past sins, Ishida sets out on a path of redemption by trying to reconnect Nishimiya with their old classmates that Nishimiya never had the chance to befriend back then. Both go through a series of life changing events to define friendship and love. Ishida manages to move forward and leave behind the past, and to start afresh by showing his affection towards Nishimiya.
Shouya Ishida
The main character and narrator. Ishida bullied Nishimiya Shouko in elementary school and when she transferred away, he was ostracized and bullied by his former friends. He started to ignore those around him (imagining them with a large X across their face) and was driven to the point of suicide. He changed his mind after he apologized to Nishimiya and began to spend time with her. He learned sign language specifically so he could apologize to her and is shown to be very talented in it. He feels like he hasn't been punished enough for bullying Nishimiya and often wishes he could kill his younger self. He seems resigned to the fact that he will never be able to have friends again.
Shouko Nishimiya
A young, deaf transfer student with an amazingly positive outlook on life. Despite being a victim of continuous bullying, she always keeps a smile on her face. Later, she tries to tell Ishida she loves him, but due to the fact that she can not hear, it comes out wrong and he is unable to understand what she is saying. Shouko attempts to commit suicide but is stopped by Ishida, who ends up falling off of the railing she jumped from and lands himself in the hospital, where he lay unconscious for a couple of days.
Official Trailer
Extended Trailer
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